Monday, May 10, 2010

If at first you don't succeed.......

Today is Monday. The same things happen every Monday. The phone doesn't stop ringing, the laundry needs some attention and the house is a horrible mess because my husband and kids have spent time in the home unsupervised over the weekend. Because I tend to work and be out of the house for the best part of Sunday I pay the price on Monday. C'est la vie! I try not to let it get me down but Mondays are the same thing over and over and over again. Talk about groundhog day.
There is something else I do most Mondays. Not every single one but a good 50% of Mondays. Which when you think about it that means that I do it about 26 times a year. I know some of you do this too and Monday seems to be the most popular day to do it. In fact on Sundays I get excited about it. Get your minds out the the gutter folks! I'm talking about dieting.
So, really, how crazy is this? I start the diet on Monday. Nothing extreme, no shakes, no pills, no purging, no surgery. If I lived every day like I do on Mondays I would weigh 95 pounds because I eat healthy, small meals and sometimes exercise. Well, obviously I don't eat like that every day because I wouldn't weigh ***. I am laughing, you really thought that I would share that with you? I don't want to admit the number to myself, much less to my 9 followers. By Tuesday I've fallen off the wagon with nothing but my big butt to cushion my fall.

I can no longer call it baby weight. Especially since I weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant and lets face it..... my baby's 4 years old.

If I were brave I'd tell you the number. If I were really brave you'd see a full length profile photo of me on facebook (Go on, look, you won't find one!) I do head shots only, preferably taken from a higher angle, or like my current one I am standing behind Donald duck. I love the cropping feature and I untag photos of myself. There I've admitted it.

Today is one of those Mondays. I figure if I don't try I'll never succeed right? but what is going to make it different this time? Maybe the new 'Mario Lopez' book I just bought called 'extra lean' I looked at the photos of course but didn't read it yet. Glossy colored photos of Mario cooking. Yummmm!!! I'd rather lick the pages than read them.

I have all the tools to succeed. I know what I'm supposed to eat and not eat, I have a gym that is open 24/7, I have diet books up the ying yang and supportive friends and family. So friends, tell me something that will motivate me please! People tell me to put a photo on the refrigerator of myself but I'm confused. Should I put a skinny one up to remind me how I could be or a fat one to remind me to STOP OPENING THE FRIDGE!

Serious answers and tips in the comment box please :)


  1. My sis has a pic on the fridge, it's a happy slim picture of her to keep her from comfort noshing! She was very heavy at one point and you've seen her in the last year or so and know that's no longer the case. I know she still has lapses but don't we all..............
    : )

  2. I always start a diet on Monday by wednesday i cheat and then that is the end of that diet. Oh well at least i try, LOL
